
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]CAT meetings

The BATC organises conventions known as CAT (Convention for Amateur Television) at locations around the UK.

CAT 20 will be held over the weekend of 24/25 October 2020 at the Midland Air Museum in Coventry .  The format will be similar to CAT 18 with lectures and discussion/fix-it time on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning, followed by the BATC General meeting on Sunday afternoon.

We hope to cater for a wide variety of interests, including 5.6 GHz FM ATV and digital ATV including point-to-point, repeaters and QO-100. There will also be full test facilities available (for 5.6 GHz/Portsdown/MiniTiouner/Power Amplifiers/Preamps) during the event.

Previous events

Details of previous CATs, including presentations and videos of the event can be found on the batc wiki pages:

CAT19 Didcot:

CAT19 Finningley:

CAT18 and the BATC General Meeting was held at the Midland Air Museum on the weekend of September 15th and 16th 2018 –

CAT17 was held at Finningley Radio club –

The 2016 Convention for Amateur TV was held at the RAF Museum Cosford

Videos from previous CATs can be found on the BATC Youtube channel –


BATC also attends various radio rallies around the country with the BATC shop and Portsdown Clinic.

Full details of these events are posted on the BATC forum

A full list of rallies in the UK can be found on the RSGB website.