ATV Activity


GW3NWR/P During an Activity Weekend

Activity Weekends

The BATC organises and co-ordinates a number of activity days for ATV operators throughout the year.   The latest information along with information on stations who might be active  can be found on the BATC Forum

The aim of activity weekends is to provide a focus for ATV Activity.  Any activity – home station or portable – is welcomed.

Upcoming Activity Weekend and Contest Dates:

11th January 2020 – 12th January 2020 – ATV Activity Weekend
15th February 2020 – 16th February 2020 – ATV Activity Weekend
14th & 15th March – Activity Weekend and Dutch ATV Contest
1200 UTC 11 April – 1800 UTC 12th April – BATC High Band (23cm and up) Contest
16th & 17th May – Activity Weekend
1200 UTC 13 June – 1800 UTC 14 June – IARU International ATV Contest


Every June we encourage BATC Members to take part in the IARU International ATV Contest.  The latest Rules for the International ATV Contest can be downloaded here (.pdf).  More information can be found here ; please keep the dates clear in your diary.

The results of the 2019 International contest can be found here

International Contest Results

The Contest Manager can be contacted on

UK ATV DX records

A list of historical and current ATV DX records can be found at the BATC wiki on this page[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]